Happy New Year, Wishing all PPS families and healthy and happy 2025

Information for Parents

Information for Parents and Guardians whose Children are attending PPS Camps 2025

Parent / Guardian Notice

Venue: Admiral Lord Nelson School, Portsmouth. 

Hello and welcome, 

Detailed below is important information so please take five minutes to read through it carefully to ensure your child is safe whilst having fun and participating in the activities.

Sign In / Out

Please sign in and sign out your child at the designated area, located at the community entrance at Admiral Lord Nelson School (ALNS)

Core Day: 09:15 - 15:15 / Extended Day: 08:30 - 16:00 

Please note: the doors are securely locked at all times and will be manned 10 minutes before and after opening/closing times. If you are running late please phone the Camp Manager on 07756950256 to let you in. 

When you book in your child for the first time you will be asked to check over your booking form. It is essential that we have the correct and current contact details for the parent making the booking and for an alternative emergency contact. 

Signing out is very important to ensure children are collected safely and on time. This is also an opportunity for parents and staff to share information where necessary. 

Parents / Guardians are encouraged to get to know our staff and look at the daily timetable to see what activities have been planned for their children that day.

Booking Information

All data is secured in line with the Data Protection Act and is kept on file. Please ensure the data you input at the time of booking is correct and accurate. On your first day, a manager will go over this with you and will text you off the PPS phone to ensure we have the correct contact information.


Please ensure all medication has the participants name and date of birth and is in a clear bag. This MUST be signed in for a member of staff. Please note, we cannot administer medication, no medication must be left within Children's bags under any circumstances.

Inhalers MUST be labelled with instructions and signed in with a member of staff. Due to the exertion of some activities and the uncertainty of when a Child may require their inhaler, we request even if unused often, this is bought with them. All inhalers are kept in our First Aid bags which is with the group across the whole school.

Parking at ALNS  

Please park in the main / front car park at Admiral Lord Nelson School and walk around the front of the school to the community entrance, there will be a sign with our logo and directions. For the safety of all Participants on site and their families, as well as the wider community, please DO NOT park at the deliveries drop off point at the school.

Activities on offer

PPS provides an all-inclusive, fun and engaging programme that nurtures and supports participants to develop their skillset and to evolve their knowledge around health, fitness and nutrition. 

This is achieved by PPS creating opportunities for Participants to try new activities, compete against other participants and attend development sessions.

Established in 2010, PPS is well known for building participants self-confidence, developing their current skill level and making life long friends. 

PPS Coaches engage with children to develop a unique and tailored programme each day, in consideration of children’s ages, abilities and goals. The aim of sessions is to develop every participant, allowing each individual to thrive.

New to Camp?

Welcome, PPS welcomes new Participants who often are recommended by other families. Children attending for their first time receive an introduction to PPS. This includes meeting the coaching team, getting to know the Child as an individual, a walk around the facilities and ensuring they either have friends who are already attending or are grouped with Children of the same age.

First Aid / Photography

We will always ask permission from Parents/Guardians regarding photography. If you do not want your children photographed please let us know when booking or signing in. Our pictures are used on social media and advertising. We do not sell our photos and they remain the property of Peak Performance Sports Ltd. 

What to bring to Camp:

Please bring:

  • A healthy packed lunch (NUT FREE) with snacks and a refillable water bottle. (Please ensure your Child's Lunch Box/Bag does not contain any foods with Nuts and no Nut products are brought onto site)
  • Clothing suitable for sports and for being outside when it is cold/rainy. We aim to get outside for fresh air as much as possible. (Whilst inside, a door will always remain open for fresh air and to provide a constant airflow.)

Please do not bring:

  • Mobile phones, if aged over 11 these must be kept in a bag and not used until the end of the day.
  • Valuables - Watches, ipads, airpods and jewellery. 

Policies & Risk Assessment 2025

Peak Performance policies are available on the policies page. A full copy of our policies, risk assessments and daily check lists are available on the Parent's Board at the welcome desk. Please note by completing your booking you agree to our policies. 

If you have any questions please phone our office on 0845 5197 360 or email us at:


Alternatively speak to the Camp Manager who is always available. 

Peak Performance Sports Ltd 2025